Sunday, August 9, 2009

oh adekku~

i was looking through the folders in my pc to clean up, then i found my lil bro's stuff..'s immoral to peek his files but i'm curious okayy~.. guess what i found? His essay to MISC..and please take note that my brother applied for the scholarship.. lets read together..
and u are excused to laugh as much as u can.. cause u noe i did..LOL!


"I want to be a Ship Captain when I grow up because its a fun job and easy to do. Captains don't need much school education;yeah right~ captain butahuruf mmg sgt2 diperlukan sekarang they just have to learn numbers so they can read instruments.
I guess they should be able to read maps so they won't get lost. oh i see.. read maps atas laut ek?? Captains should be brave so they won't be scared if its foggy and they can't see; or if the propeller falls off they should stay calm so they know what to do. Captains have to have eyes to seethrough the clouds tgk cloud buat ape? cari bintang la adek oiii and they can't be afraid of thunder or lightning because they are closer to them than we are.gelakgelakgelak
The salary that Captains make is another thing I like.i knew it! mateduitan!!!! They make more money more than they can spend. This is because most people think handling ships is dangerous, except captains, because they know how easy it is. oh yeah! mmg easy sangat~
There isn't much I don't like, except girls like captains and all the girls want to marry a captain so they always have to chase them away so they won't bother them.bajet hot stuff ea?? mak aii.. kejar hotchicks~
I hope I don't get sea sick because I get car sick and if I get sea sick, Icould not be a Captain and then I would have problem to go out and work." oh yes! i think you're in big problem now!
now i'm really.. really REALLY curious on how he got through the selection..adeh wat malu i jek.. oh, mmg nk kene cepuk bdk sekor nih T__T!


syaz said...

adik ko mmg hebat!!!

dia x tnjuk kt ko essay dia ke?

Syaimaa' Ahmad said...

jumpe secara accident.. mmg hampeh terus terang btol~

HafiZi said...

Mantap, I really lyke it..=)
Kalau ko print essay kat Miss Lin, knfem byk garis ombak-ombak warna merah..huhu!!

Syaimaa' Ahmad said...

apelah fizi.. essay dy ni x bnyk grammatical error lah,. tp klaka and sarcastic.. don't u get the point?

syaz said...

psl hotstuff tu xthn
confident thp gajah tol~