okayy.. the reason i need big bags is so that i can stuff all my things books, pencil case, purse, keys, evrything! to college. I don't really have a proper bag for going to class purposes. Well, in Egypt.. it is so pricey for a branded bag, and those Sayyeda streets' bags can only hold together for about a week! such a waste! seminggu satu bag, wah macam promo iklan~
anywayss, I've been looking online for a perfect bag, and then... WALLaah~!

esprit sling bag! big, sporty and RED.. totally fab.. i dunno why i found red is quite a charm to my eyes these days. Yikess.. so shantekkk.. btw i found this in Esprit.co.UK... UK guys~ i wonder if it's available here. i'm really itching for one...

hot nyer~
this one is also esprit's, leather.. so i bet it's easy to be cleaned.. well u noe, egypt is a wonderland of dust! not as chic as the above, but this one look more..... uhmmm, i dunno, durable?
or maybe i should get this in brown?
this colour looks more egypt ish style.. padang pasir, indiana jones, traveller,piramid, got the picture?
now, how do i get rm500 in a week? any ideas?
*p/s: i noe mom would approve this, she is btw, suggesting me to buy a branded bag right away before i fly last year, so that i would not end up buying new cikai bags monthly or in my case weekly, one good bag is all i need.
waaa lawanye..suke2...ak sokong ko cemak..beli beli jangan x beli..tapi 500 tu mahal sangat laaa..kat sogo xdek ke yg murah2??
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