I'm fasting today.. my gastritis just subsides and i'm able to ganti my puasa Ramadan due to my gastritis attack last year.. alhamdulillah.. i hope i'm able to fast without any problem this year..
I'm not feeling well these two days.. my eyes just itch and it's turning reddish plus swollen a bit.. and not to mention severe mood swings, huh~ is it possible that my eye soreness kinda affects my mood?
I was actually planning to visit KISAS this weekend and meet Kautsar and the whole clans. It seems so vague right now.. i don't know how and when anymore. Now that I'm having unsteady mental condition, i know i can't promise much to them. Well, i guess as time pass by, you won't be able to be a "gang" anymore.. you just need to live on, and leave all the happy jolly times of your past behind. I think that's my parents' message to me. You just don't get to be teen when you're a young adult, so stop rebelling your heart out.
This is what i can't accept for the moment. I hate LOST more than anything. I made a promise to Kautsar and Hani back when we're student. Remember that we said, we will hang out together even if we're married? and our children will play together while we chat and chat?
Forget the married state.. I'm not even engaged and we still facing hard times meeting each other. We're constantly busy as students and our life doesn't revolve around our perfect happy world anymore. But i guess, we can't measure friendship with distance. And distance will always make our hearts grow fonder. i heart u babes!

these moodswings are playing harsh on me. I won't get out of the room. Filling the silence gap by reading "Breaking Dawn" and all the Harry Potter series..
I feel so sick, of reading, surfing, sleeping.. as much as i want to have a break from medic-student-life, there's a part of me aching to get back to Cairo as soon as i can. But a small, dominant part of me prefered to stay, regardless of how bored i am being home.
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