I mean who doesn't? a girl's bestfriend is shoes, shoes, and shoes..well besides diamonds lol~ I really really hearts high heels, but seriously painful. I still can't understand how people can walk and shopping for hours in those killing high heels. I can tolerate wedges but stilettos? oh my gosh~
btw, I bought black strappy high heels 5 inches kottt~ for MEP Grand dinner. 4 hours of walking here and there was an easy task. tho, sungguh berhatihati when i was required to go on the stage.. kalau jatuh malu kott~ aiiish Thank God nothing happened and I'm fine. i am soooo proud of myself~ *clapclap.
Now that i know i'm capable of wearing those dearie dearie beautiful heels. I can't resist myself from wanting more heels.
Of course my mum won't approve this. bazir je, I would be running on my sneakers anyway in Egypt. dah beli kang stack kat tepi almari je. plus i'm too young for heels AND to have too much shoes ryte?
So i need an excuse to buy one, let say another dinner? A glamourous function? but ughh.. there is no such thing for now.. aaaahhhh.. I WANT HEELS~!!!
these shoes look so sexy isn't it?

ahhh i wanttttt

gambar dri blogger ini.. i love her collections of shoes. awe~ saya juga mahu
but, just wondering... won't it be funny if ur hubby is shorter than u just because u walk on heels? heh, cari hubby yg tinggi than u lah solution nye ye x?
waaa...betol2 ak suke jugak high heels..ko nak taw boot yg ko suruh ak beli tu kan..mama ak marah wakakaka..die kate dah tinggi wat pe nak pakai kasut tinggi..nak wat camne..i just love it..hehe tp tu mmg kasut yg tertinggi ak penah beli selama ni..
tu baru tggi tu mad..
ak pakai hari2 gi klas tahap tgi boots ko tuh..
tu r.. ak xpe r pendek
ko tu ala2 model lampai da pakai heels lg jd galah lak nnt
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