love is differences
to truly love someone means to understand this
to be loved by someone means to respect this
~sometimes i feel like an idiot waiting and wanting for u, somet ime i would feel glad just to have u,sometimes i feel like u are my future, never past, but sometimes it was entirely foolish to even dream about it.. i don't know what tomorrow holds for us.. for far or near.. i'm just glad that u're here now.i luv u~
oh crap, jiwang.. i think i'm falling in love with these.. yes,yes, love at first sight.. cakap sajalah kau gila pink stuff kan senang..

yg paling kewl-nyer.. check this out
"You just simply end the call or snooze it with a wave of your hand over the screen!!!"
awe! yela i know.. these was like stone age pny models kan.. tp i don't care.. pink is sweet.. forget about touchscreens and iphones.. nnt bile aku kaya aku beli lah sepuluh ke kan? the best thing is it's scratch-proof.. thank God.. that's all i need to hear.. with a clumsy owner like me, God knows what can happen to you.. tho i'm fragile..lalallaa phone lame i pon like retak sane sini.. ganaz kott.. takpe2 t707 when i got my hands on u, i belai2 u k? jangan takoot~ heee~
i wonder how much it'll cost me? hurm
handset ni b'jaya menarik perhatian aku..
huhuh..siyes lawa
tgk sapa pilih..
jom3 beli :P
eh, dulu seingat ak ko ngidam enset touch screen. ktnye nak iphone. tp mhl sgt kan? ktnye look into 5800 XM. Tol x?
eh jap2. snooze ngn waving? bhy kot kalau ak pkai ni. mau x bgn tdo. bunyi alarm, ngntuk skit, wave. trus tdo~ ZZZ~~~ haha..
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