So, my mom kind of re-using her sewing machine. Last time i saw her using it was, 2 years ago.. for the curtains.. she was a bit on and off in a few stuff. I can see where i got the do-it-when-i-feel-like-doing attitude.
She started sewing my sister's baju kurung which she just learnt a few weeks before, and now she's on something else. TUDUNG a.k.a scarfs
I dunno when it started, but when i got back from Egypt, my mother and all my sisters were not on their usual tudung anymore. They wear i called those - tudung indon. I'm a bit sceptical before, yela.. tudung indon ryte? not-so-hot and up-to-date or wat eva but when i started wearing it, I think it's very convenient, plus it's a comfy too.. dah tak payah spend lame2 depan cermin, sarung n ready to go.. gorgeous!
The best part is the material is easy to iron, and if you take good care of it. iron sekali dah cukup, wah senang hidup aku!
My mom said, it'a hot stuff now,everyone is trying out Ariani's scarfs, oh well.. not to the youth i can see.. sume gile pakai selendang now...but like in Egypt i've seen those selendang wore by egyptians peeps.. so i xde la awe sangat.. biasebiase je.. i wear selendang too, but someone *hearts said i'm much cuter in tudung labuh (which is my mom's btw) made my like tersipu-sipu kejap. teguran bahasa halus tu.. menegur me to start wearing tudung labuh-labuh.. aiii... i'll try lah k?
bknnye ssh pon. I'm the kind like pakai je apapepon janji tutup aurat n tak selekeh type of girl. So, i CAN make an effort to wear those tudung k..
ughh... pnjgnye intro explainations, nk cte sal tudung je pon. Anyways, my mom jahit tudung2 ni. and I think it's cute!! I LYKEE LAH MOMMY... mcm pro duhh my mom.. i think better than Ariani's.. plus.. it don't cost me a bomb. Lgpon mama jahit penuh kasih sayang kan? kan? cess.. bodek mahu more tudungss.. gagaga~
I think i'll stock up more of these in diff shades.. hahah.. medic student xde mase nk jage tudung kemek kena tiup angin ke, nk iron2 ke kan? what do u think, okayy?
dulu suke selendang.. style..but not convenient..atleast not to me.
remember my motto, sarung n go!
oh i feel extra-sweet wearing these *perasan dush!

comel x comel x? tudunglah not me

my mom.. and that is not my little brother.
ohh.. mommy i want more.. -"jahit sendiri".. auhh *sigh~
so encik, how do you find my new tudung style. menepati spesifikasi? or not?
** just so you know, i did not photoshop my face. The super flawless skin is actually due to my bedroom's light and oh, my skin is inevitably flawless lah kan jgn jeles~ :P
jom bake cupcake ptg ni.. yeay! want some?

tak mnepati spesifikasi
2nd pic tu like org nk betunang
part selekeh itu is me~
ask ur ma, her cucu nak gak bole?!!
x tepat lg ke?
adoii.. xpe2 sket-sket lah k?
wahaha.. ko en lg terre bab menjahitjahit ni..silalah cube dirumah
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