It goes again and again.. steewpidsteewpid conversation about the engagement thingy... you guys just can't differ when I'm joking and when I'm not yeah? And when Syaimaaahmad gets bored answering she'd go for a YES! amek ko! I can't remember what triggers the not-so-cool gossips again~ (tho, I'm enjoying the status of engaged for a while)
When things finally cleared out.. they matchmake me with this Mr.M.. then Mr.F.. then Mr. .... haih jadi single mingle pon kecoh ...see? That's why I said being "engaged" is much better.. people would just stop talking for a while. Stop the wild fire gossips.. these few days were like craps too.. it's really hard to keep up with people.. their thoughts, their sayings.. I'm not with anyone at least for now..ok, fine! not engaged.. single and not available..stay away~(just got 19.. awal lg nih..)

was it because of this pic? LoL~
crappy stuff.. for sure labelled under -nonsense- hahaha.. gimme a break lah, just finished the first texbook <slowveryslow and steady notsosteady~>
5 more days to go...2 more textbook... respiration and cardiology... thrill will start running afterwards~ so.. this is my last post before physiology...
too many possible essay questions, only 8 will come out.. it's like the Survivor game.. in the end.. just one will be the ultimate survivor *sigh* the others just played along for nothing.. penat kan?
btw just can't take my ears off these... james morrisons...

it's called mitosis chenta ha-ha-ha
finalexamsmakeme giddy~
signing off
Pakai cincin pun itu problem ka? Aiya, tapi, aku x suka pakai cincin pun. Nampak tua doe.
itu lah pasal
mentaliti kelas ke3
cincin = tunang~
ko x pakai cincin pon mmg nmpk tua nk wat cmne dowh~
ko ngaku je la aku nampak muda. lagi2 dua tahun dulu, aku mmg nampak muda lima tahun. kalau tak, x de maknanya orang nak panggil aku baby dulu. haha.
*muntah hijau*
dehydrated sudea~
wakaka. kang aku dah cakap, golongan laki bajet comel adalah golongan paling menjijikkan? ini hanya experiment.
eksperimen anda berjaya..
kids, please don't try this at home~
someone might got killed
*sambung muntah*
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