Anyhow, as usual.. i'd like to spill crappy words again.. not feeling like reading? fine.. shuhhh~ click [X]
Ever bought that instant coffee mix, where it reads.. ready to serve just add hot water.. great!
so, i bought one of those.. of course.. and i thought it ease my life.. apparently NOT~..
i plainly just empty the content into my cup and add water.. wallah~ just like the instruction.. then i took a sip.. bluaarrkk.. not nice... not sweet.. not creamy.. not .. errr.. definitely a no-no..
so i end up.. adding milk.. ....sugar.. ...and some more coffee from my mate's coffee jar.. ouh, wait.. that equal almost everything from the premix coffee sachet.. what the..??
when i was about to throw the empty sachet.. i saw this....
"you may want to add sugar or creamer to suite your personal taste preference"
what's the damage dude? if i'm too petty to make my own coffee mix, i won't end myself up to buying a 3-in-1's which cost me more tho~
i hate instant stuff. claim to be instant but blahh~ [whtthh am i talking about???? ]
ok, i might agree.. this is without a doubt, my ultimate most boring 29th May of my entire life..
i'm seriously, oh-not-so anticipating tomorrow.. btw, biochemistry rawks! oh yeaah~
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