I am so addicted to continuous writing[CW] back in SPM.. (ok~ this is merely self boasting ) i don't know why. Perhaps having the fact that it's the only thing i did that succeed to attract my teacher's attention back in school i.e Miss Lin, it made me feel... i dunno... happy? sense of authority? hey, you see.. i could do anything at my answer paper ok? Or~, it gives me the satisfaction of creating some kind of a masterpiece~ this is craps...
Well i'm not that great in 1119 either, gramatical errors and a what-so-ever broken english and seriously stupid i-don’t-know-what accent,but.. wat evss
so, when i moved on.. i mean stepped into med school... i think i got this crazy syndrome of trying to exaggerate facts into a fictious style of story-telling as in CW
well~ a medical student should write this-->
"in absences of telomeres, eukaryotic cells will face a special problem in replicating the end of 5` end of lagging strand. there is no way to fill in the remaining gaps..."
I, on the other side, wrote this-->
“without telomere, there will be no human at all. People would die. Mutated genes can cause the creation of supernatural human beings. As far as anyone would believe, spiderman after the spider-bitting incident was mutated by the poisonous venom that could alter the gene chromosomes of human ability causing them to act above the normal level of human can achieve. Edward Cullen on the other hand....."
ok, no~.. i did not write this in my answer sheet.. but hey! i tend to~ with almost zero factual medical informations, atleast everyone knows how mutations can make superheroes.. that was a 'fact' too
Yet, no one believes me when i said i'm born writer not doctor~ phewss.. i'm trying, ok.. my brain just don't work that way.. not a factual-memorise-then-spill type of mind~
Btw, i LoL to this refer the below picture.. i mean.. seriously who won't? i googled the word anotated.. can't stop giggling till now... what's thorough breakthrough?? is my lecturer planning to make a riddle-giggle kind of textbook? keh3.. mentang2 biochem dah abes.. bleh r kutok2~ lol lg and 12 years ago~ wow.. that explains the classy style of writing~

oh-oh.. there's another joke on biochemistry
- two atoms walk together, then one atom said "i think i just lost an electron"
then the other atom said "really? are you sure?" then the first atom replied "hell yeah, man! I'm positive!!'
and i love this phrase tho..
single-stranded.. this is actually quite sadistic in my writer-POV
come on peeps! single, and stranded? poor thing lah~ go get a bf or gf or something.. pleaselah~
but better than double-stranded..
hey, you peeps..let's take a look at English Paper possible questions for tomorrow.revisionrevision.tahan gelak taw!
explain the below medical suffixe:-
- -agogue- my def= a type of p.ramlee's dance in 70's actual answer = stimulating or increasing the flow
- -genic- my def= Aladin's companion, who live in a lamp. actual answer = capable of causing
- -itis- my def= the wrong spelling for Awie's song Iris. actual answer= names of inflammatory
- -malacia- my def= not the right spelling for malacca. actual answer= softening
- -oid= my def= used when calling someone informally..oitt~! actual answer= resembling
- -rhaphy= my def = exschoolmate.. correct spelling is rafi picisan~ actual answer= repairing
- -sonic= my def= wow, this is great.. a cartoon character.. he's blue. actual answer= sound related
- -megaly=my def= shopping mall.. it's supposed to be mid valley. actual answer= enlargement
- -stasis= my def = Akademi Fantasia's star Stacy~ actual answer= slowing, stoppage
- -tomy= my def= jerry's bestfriend actual answer= cutting or excision
now i give up english!!~ phew.. what evss ~_~!
oh my! medical life is so much fun!
gile panjang post.. layan ah~
oi, selamba kutuk rafi belakang2. kutuk depan2 ah. hahaha.
sah ko dah tersumbat dengan exam banyak sangat ni. adeii.
sindrom pasca exam yg akut~
aku maseh waras...
syaimaa, thanks for the giggles that burst out reading this post..hee, u made good writings seriously [i mean it]
ps: credit to the promoter, fara ain ur roommate=D
saye harap komen ini manis.hehe
silent reader..
u're sweet
and your comments too
enjoy reading!
mutation? it reminds me of fluorescent pig. memang comel-ler than normal pig. why on earth they mutated pig with jelly fish. aiyoo.
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