Monday, June 29, 2009

negara abuk~

ntah apapa.. malas lak nk lepak lama2 dekat KLIA
swine flu
lembab pulak nk balik..
cepat lah 3 julai

kemas umah dgn barang2
gile abuk

semalam mop
esk debu balik

nk gi Husein lg
bagasi dh penuh
sangat PENUH

nk sumbat mane ntah lagi..
eii.. tension

semalam rs nk balik menyengat-yengat
arini rs tanak pulak
esk? x suka hujung tahun. abes sem je blurr.. 3 bulan tu lame..
nyesal plk x ambek syahadah tu. bleh jgk attach kat hospital kejap..

~maka bermulalah cuti summer saya yang sungguh membosankan~

budak kecik yg manis2~

distance make the heart grow fonder

so don't be apart. stay until you're bored?


sy rindu budak kecik ini..

sy rindu family sy..

sofea rindu maklong dy~
kembang kempis bangge.

ye~ maklong rindu sofea jugak!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

artificial sweetener

This is about to be the most ridiculous, non sense, mis sense and totally emotionally driven post ever existed in this entire universe. Yes! another not-so-positive entry from.. wallaah~
ms syaimaa who are slightly (i feel sooo great repeating this...slightly~) worse than syaimaa shayuthy.. I can't believe Dr Abdel Moniem even manage to find a minute point to compare me and her, seriously no JOKE ok? she was like the ultimate medical student any Professor could ever wish for and i'm the... ermm.. uh.. great listener ever but not-so-photograpic memory student? whatever.. i'm way pass the depression period and the inferior issues.. i can finally accept who i am now.. Tho, I don't mean to stay like this forever. This is a wake-up call for me. I will change to who i can be. BETTER i would say in one word.

I don't know what should i feel. Deeply in vague confussion. After a year, do you expect me to be cold as fish? and that the only person i can talk and confide as a sister is not here anymore, would that make me better? a newly-known friend is finally leaving. I can't act stone. I barely even survived the whole year living with strangers. And now i had to counter another year? It was like a double shot at the head. I surely able to cope with the first shot, but another one?

Will i do great on my own? will i be satisfied with what i want? is this even what I WANT in the first place? will i be a happy manipulative senior? most importantly, am i even a good sister to my juniors a.k.a my new housemates? If i'm that great, why would i chase people away from my freaking 'great' life?

Panphobia is the fear of anything. I am panphobic. Being afraid of everything. perfection. disgrace. rejection. acceptance. happy. sadness. life is intermediate. A little too much of anything could turn the balance upside down. Thus, catastrophe. Just be medium. I learnt that being happy is not a choice. It's a responsibilty. You MUST be happy and grateful. Leading life as a mundane person is not healthy. seriously, medically proven... or you want me to repeat the Oral exam again? just take my words.

I can't explain why, i'm not feeling happy now... too much pressure in one single day. I can't handle two lost. Being alone is not my choice, but it's something i can't say anything to it. gosh, i'm crying.. ooo0k~ this is stupid. I don't think i can hold up to any reason for me being a repeller for human comfort when they're close. Whatever it is, I'm sorry that i have low EQ. My emotion control is not my mojo. I'm sorry thay i lose the rationality sometimes.

oh-i-feel-deeply-dejected-and-hurt. but seeing you so happy, i believe you decided the best. I feel sad that you're leaving, but nothing i say is going to change anything. Tq for trying to hang on to me for the whole year. I'm sorry that i'm all emotional, but i thought presence was a comfort and it doesn't turn out ok. Now that, absence also hurted me, please don't take note of anything regarding to me. I obviously a lost soul, who doesn't even know what I need and want.

sorry that this is a depressing post, but hey, i don't have any paper to screw up anymore, so wut evss..~ just wanna be home, be with Him, where unconditional love exist not in fairy tales

*p/s: please don't turn my posts into a controvesy. I said what i need to say. i'm feeling so sick right now.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

this is the end to everything

I just finished my 1st year of medical school today. Feelings? very VERY relieved..
today i put an end to many things in my life,the 1st year , the no-posting hiatus, the waiting, the pessimistic thoughts.

I am sure that i'll put a star mark on my diary for today. I learned a lot of things this year. Most of it are life detemining decisions that i made, and some of which i laid my full heart in it and yet no one knows why or what it is.

Sorry. But there are things that are not meant to be shared with anyone. Not even talking or listening, but the point are conveyed. It's a surprise how life can be simplified by hardly anything but a decent white lie.. tho the truth is almost everything that one needs to be happy and contented.

I'm sorry. sky high metaphor again. surely, no one would get my point. ha-ha. remember? not talking but messages conveyed. thanks for listening, thanks for reading, thanks for talking. thanks for the note. YES. I thanked you. fullstop.


perkara yang perlu dibereskan semasa cuti summer 3 bulan:-

  • Balas dendam tgk House series sampai season 5
  • Bayar hutang muqorror hafazan yg tergendala akibat finals
  • Brain Defragmentation.. sudah hilang matlamat nmpkny ak nih~
  • Tour penang-kedah-perlis. Paid, Anah, Ume.. harap bersedia
  • Physiology and Anatomy revision for clinical years.
  • Hospital Attachment.. tp rs nk enjoy dulu kot.. taun depan buat bulih?? hii~
  • Reunion 508.. jumpe orang-orang Malaysia..
  • rehat
  • rehat
  • rehat
  • rehat

Now.. 4 hari terakhir di Cairo.. bertungkus- lumus urusan Grand Dinner MEP.. terlalu banyak nak buat. Terasa [pressure. Padahal simple je.. adoii.. symphatic stimulation belum dibuang lgi...~

tamat sudah penantian setahun aku. ^-^! 5 tahun lagi akan menjengah. Seorang dari kita telah kembali kepadaNya, bersama perjuangan nya. Apa akan jadi kepada kita? Dimanakah aku di masa depan? :(

Hanya Dia yg tahu. Doaku semoga jalan ini terbaik untuk kita semua. Ameen.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

bukan tautan hati

kita yang berjalan melintas pelangi
lalu berlari mengejar mentari
dipadang rerumput menghijau
andai datang saifi
kering menanti hari

kita yang melirik dari mata ke hati
mengikat janji, melakar mimpi
laksana setia siang datang sesudah malam,
asalnya putaran alam
sekali Dia berbicara
langit bukan biru lagi

janji ibarat ombak memukul pepasir
sekali menghempas, mengubah pantai
janji yang datang dan bergulung pergi
ibarat buih lautan
ada dan tiada

kita yang berpegang tangan
tersenyum bercanda bersama
bagai semalam tiada makna
atau esok tiada harga
dan lusa tiada akhirnya

kita tidak tersurat untuk selamanya bersama
andai esok aku masih di sini
aku pasti tidak bertanya
mengapa aku bukan di sana

bukan jarak itu ukuran ukhwah
bukan jumlah khabar nilai kita
walau bukan tautan hati

izinkan aku menjadi sahabatmu sampai saat Tuhan berbicara tentang yg lainnya..

ikhlas tapi jauh,
dedikasi utk bakal ex housemates ku, dan mereka-mereka yg amat saya hargai. mereka tahu siapa mereka. tautan hati walau bukan dalam bentuk jodoh dan pertemuan, semoga Allah redha ukhwah yg terbina.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

aku ingin mencintaiMu

sungguh, dalam mekar merah warna-warna cinta..
aku gusar akan keringnya putik muda kuntum Kasih

bila aku dongak pada wajah langit suram,
pada sangkaku mencurah hujan,
membaja segala yang aku impikan
rupanya ada ribut
pada awan berarak hitam
ada noktah.

mahu ke langit
mahu jadi putih

pada hati terlakar gelap hitam
pada wajah teriak sisa semalam

entah masih mampukah aku pijak?
sudikah dijunjung aku?
apakah masih dipelukku?

aku malu

bila sepi. bila sendiri.
bukan Kamu yg aku cari.

Ampunkan aku.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Biarkanlah saja diriku sendirian tanpamu
Biarkanlah aku merindu sekian lama
Bukan maksud untuk membisu
sepi tanpa kata
Terpisahnya kita kerana mengejar impian
( korus )

Mungkinkah bersama dua jiwa ini
Dalam mencari cinta sejati nan suci
Mungkinkah segala derita di jiwa
Akan terubat kini
Biarkanlah saja diriku sepi tanpa kata

Terpisahnya kita kerana mengejar impian
( bridge )

Hanya satu pintaku
Sabarlah menanti
Ku kan pulang bersama Cinta...

i noe.. i noe... i closed this blog.. but.. without it i felt so empty.. things aren't working nice these days, but i'll just keep it to myself for now..and believe me.. i started missing things that aren't mine...

and i'm missing chatting with you.. miss updating this little blog daily.. miss joking around facebook.. boy! it takes a lot of effort to be happy isn't it?

rindu sungguh..
wahai blog ku syg.. bersabarlah.. lagi 2 paper yer~

wish me luck!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Kaherah, 11 Jun - 5 pelajar perubatan Kaherah terlibat dalam kemalangan sewaktu pulang dari Ain Sokhna selepas Maghrib malam semalam. Tujuan asal mereka ke sana untuk meninjau tempat sempena Rehlah Gen6 28 Jun ini.Kenderaan yang dinaiki mereka diceritakan terbabas sewaktu cuba memotong sebuah lori akibat hilang kawalan lalu melanggar pembahagi jalan dan terbalik. 3 mangsa yang berada di bahagian belakang cedera parah.
Allahyarham Muhammad Ammar b Zulkifli, meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian manakala 2 lagi cedera parah. Mangsa-mangsa dibawa ke Hospital Suez Al-Am sebelum dihantar ke Hospital Kasr El Ainy kerana kekurangan kemudahan.Abdul Rahman b Ramdzan dilaporkan telah sedarkan diri manakala Akram Abdul Kadir masih koma. Abdul Rahman patah lengan kanan, dan Akram didapati mempunyai darah beku di bahagian otak. Kedua-dua mereka dimasukkan ke bilik pembedahan jam 8 pagi tadi.Jenazah Ammar tiba di Hospital Zahra' Abbasiah pagi tadi untuk diuruskan. Solat jenazah akan diadakan di Dewan Malaysia Abbasiah Kaherah selepas Zohor nanti. Allahyarham akan dihantar pulang ke Malaysia esok pagi.
Mereka yang mempunyai sebarang hutang piutang diharapkan dapat menuntut daripada waris Allahyarham dan dihalalkan segala salah dan silap.2 lagi mangsa, Muhamad Fitri Tokiran dan Saif Jamaluddin hanya mengalami kecederaan ringan dan dibenarkan pulang. Saif masih ditahan di balai polis Suez untuk soal siasat dan akan dibenarkan pulang ke Kaherah tengah hari nanti - mediaPERUBATAN

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Penutupan rasmi blog syaimaahmad
Life is Sweet
Penulis dgn ini secara rasmi memberhentikan penulisan entri di blog ini
harap maaf. segala kesulitan amatlah dikesali
notis: sila ambil perhatian alamat web ini mungkin juga akan ditukar atas sebab-sebab peribadi
kepada followers, kemungkinan blog ini kembali aktif pada tarikh 1 julai 2009
Penulis juga ingin memohon maaf atas keterlanjuran kata, ketidaksopanan tatasusila, sepanjang penulisan blog ini, segala kekurangan bukan disengaja. Kepada individu yg terasa hati dgn penulisan ini juga, penulis menyusun 10 jari memohon kemaafan. Penulis akan menghadapi peperiksaan lisan selama sebulan, dan menunggu keputusan peperiksaan akhir tahun, diharap pembaca setia dapat mendoakan kesejahteraan penulis dan rakan-rakan seangkatan. Salam Hormat
because sometimes, life's just get bitter and you just can't make it any sweeter..
farewell for now

Sunday, June 7, 2009


telan 3 biji panadol..[percubaan utk tidur dgn hati yg tenang] terus lelap.. panas.. setiap satu jam bangun. resah.. sngt resah.. esok syafawi.. x prepare lagi.. harap dapat tmpung markah anatomy...berdoa sepenuh jiwa.. sy belum kuat untk dur thanii.. sy tak mahu...doakan sy...

Tuhan, aku sudah bersedia..
ini dugaanMu.. aku siap terima
aku belum kuat, tapi aku tahu
ujianMU hanya bagi mereka yg mampu

Tuhan, aku percaya
Engkau bersamauku
setiap jalanMu terbaik untukku
aku takkan persoalkan lagi
Imanku, kekuatanku, keyakinanku
hanya padaMu
aku siap ya Allah...
kurniakan aku ketenangan dan kekuatan

sy juga rindu, rindu seorang teman.. yg mendengar keluhan.. tp sy memang sungguh lemah.. pilu yg tertahan-tahan .. pecah juga bentengnya, dan saat itu..bkn kamu yg berada disini.. lalu aku pasrah.. saat susah, saat gelisah.. hanya Allah temanku.. dengarkanlah.. aku perlu.. aku rindu.. teman itu



Plan nk paste sajak semalam.. x jd.. terlalu dramatik.. sy tak mahu jadi drama queen.. tapi sumpah.. serabut sana sini.. bukan takat bilik yg bersepah.. meja study macam lepas tsunami.. katil x tuck in.. lantai bersepah.. bkn tanak buat.. tak tahu mana nak start.. mula cari penyapu~ same je macam hidup aku.. akibat bertangguh last2 setambun masalah menghempap.. dh rs nk mati tnggung sorang2.. Ya ALLAH~ kekuatan perlu dicari, ia tak datang sendiri.. huishh entahlah.. bnyk sngt perkara- perkara serabut ni.. sy yg reka... sy yg cari pasal.. sekarang padan muka... tersepit.. terjebak.. ter ape lagi lah.. sekali lagi.. syaimaahmad,
serve you right!
maaf.. post ini bakal panjang.. klau kamu mahu, boleh klik [X] awal2
pasal exams, pasal perihal Tahun 2, pasal hidup, pasal konflik dalaman [inferiority], pasal dia.. nk buat apa pasal dia tu? entah.. kekuatan perlu dicari, ia tak datang sendiri.. biar masa yg tentukan.. sy memang serabut... SANGAT.. SANGAT.. noktah

3 bulan cuti.. entah dpt ke tak tammam 3 bulan tu...nauzubillah dr dur thaniii [paper ulangan]...anatomy sangat membunuh, histology juga, eh nanti! physio pon same.. kejap-kejap... biochemistry pon x cukup power punya jawapan.. heh, kan? serabut..

"awak kena jadi org yg organized sikit, Doctors are very professional in nature.. they plan the time, and go with it"

sabar ye akak, insyaAllah.. sy akn organisekan diri. kekuatan perlu dicari, ia tak datang sendiri..

Jadi org yg ade fikrah, ada matlamat.. bknkah sudah jelas.. matlamat sy Mardhatillah.. tp jalan kearah itu tak semudah ayat.. serabut oh serabut...kekuatan perlu dicari, ia tak datang sendiri..

kalau ada org tanya, sy marah siapa? sy marah dengan diri sendiri.. dgn ketidakmampuan sy.. dgn kelemahan sy.. sy benci sungguh diri sy yg lemah ni..

kekuatan perlu dicari, ia tak datang sendiri..
marah sungguh.. jelik.. tp sy masih belum ambil apapa tindakan.. maaf sy bercerita ttg negatif lagi.. ini adalah post positif.. sy sudah sedar diri.. sy mmg adalah serabut.. maka sy akan cuba berubah... kerana ada orang kata....kepada saya..
kekuatan perlu dicari, ia tak datang sendiri..
sy syg kamu, ats sbb yg tak jelas.. tp dosa sy menyayangi kamu lebih dr selayaknya.. sy takut melihat kamu hanyut.. kamu.. bukanlh dalam masa dpan sy, kamu bukanlah yg jelas bg sy, bkn jua yg halal bg sy, adilkah sy risau ttg kamu? gusar mengenang ttg perihal kamu, tanpa sy? yg mana lebih dosa padaNya, meninggalkan kamu dalam dakapan gelap, atau mendekati kamu, lalu sy yg parah menahan hati? doa sy.. sy takkan selamanya ada utk kamu.. kamu perlu mencari DIA utk mencariku.. YaAllah..pertemukan dgn dia yg sempurna.. doa sy.. kalau dia utk sy.yaAllah, jadikanlah dia sempurna bagiku.. klau dia bukan utk sy.. maka sempurnakanlah dia utk dia yg selayaknya.. aku serahkah dia kepadaNya.. semoga hidayah Allah sentiasa milik dia..
coretan serabut dr insan yg serabut... letak laptop.. cari mushaf pink.. semoga tak serabut lagi.. ameen

Friday, June 5, 2009

love, money and ...

dh lama x berdebate, eventhough lame giler blog sy nih...well~ too many silent readers.. hey peeps.. i need ur opinion here.. let's debate! sy nk ajak jgk korang2.. let's spill some thoughts here...
ok,.. here goes the motion...

"love and money.. which is more important in life"
actually, ni tajuk JPA interview dulu.. not mine, someone's.. cam best.. td tgk vid kat utube..his GF left him for some richies~ tetiba ter trigger lak sal tajuk nih..mengong sggh ley lak pk sal ni padahal tgh relaks kejap from reading anatomy.. wat evss... mari2 bg pendapat~!
To me.... of course money is important for life, but without love.. life would be dull.. and plus if you're hyper rich.. people will approach u only for wealth.. not u.. but they said...
when poverty knocks at the door love flies through the window..
heh, don't ask me.. i date hot rich vampire..Mr. Edward Cullen.. money? check! love? check! naaah! just kidding.. seriously.. i've no idea.. if the interviewer pops out this question to me back then.. i'm not quite sure what kind of crappy thoughts i'll put forward... haish~ selamat ak kaki TV.. dpt soklan pasal AF, sedap ar ak tibai~ alhamdulillah fly gak ak sbb AF... syg ah ramlee ms~ keh3
so, if you have any idea.. or just a plain quote.. just spill them in the comment box.. seryes ly DUDE!.am sick and tired of having syoksendiri entries weyh~ and for God sake, they didn't create those thing for nothing.. leave comment!!!
less than a month dah nk balik.. yeay! packingpacking barang..~

Thursday, June 4, 2009

pertengkaran kecil

bila kuingat pertengkaran itu
Membuat jarak antara kita
Resah tiada menentu
hilang canda tawamu
Tak ingin aku begini
tak ingin begini
Sahabat, rangkaian masa yang telah terlewat
Buat batinku menangis
Mungkin karena egoku
mungkin karena egomu
Maaf aku buat begini
maaf aku begini
Bila ingat kembali janji persahabatan kita
Tak kan mahu berpisah karena ini
Pertengkaran kecil kemarin cukup jadi lembaran hikmah
Karena aku ingin tetap sahabatmu

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

isbir syuwayya,,

bila mulut malas dibuka
bila cerita malas dihebah
bila kisah malas dilayan
bila hati malas dipeduli
bila konflik malas difikirkan
bila masa depan malas direnungkan
bila sekarang malas dihitungkan
bila bakal malas diimpikan

maka sy kata

bas! mumkin fi waqti elle gayy... ana mush mustagillah..
isbir syuwayyah lau samah?

fi waqti elle gayy..


sungguh2 tgh tahan sabar.. lagi sebulan nk balik.. dh dtg sindrom pemalas sebelum masanya

then, dpt b'day bonus asek gayut la plk.. sory dear kaco2 u.. smpai kene tuduh buang tabiat sbb asek call.. hehe sorry~aaiii bosan sgt kott.. hepi finals yeah!.. hak2

i can't stand this summer, ok? today 40 degree kot~ aduss....the bright and sunshine was nice but.. i got cracks all over my lip.. and kejap2 berdarah..tawulah i bercinta dgn pontianak tp.. bleeding lips ain't kewl ok?

and all of the sudden u got this hyper thirst.. i drink every 3 mins.. and asek2 bgn dr meja study..ulang alik kitchen and toilet.. ughh.. mcm mn mahu study begini ceeh~ alasan!!! seryesly severe weyh~! every single drop of ur body fluid will be extracted.. even the eyes.. kering amat.. sampai dok winkwink berulang kali sbb pedih... hah mcm nk nk bukak luas2 baca anat?? tido je ah~ tgk! alasan lagi....

panas panas panas..

And oh yeah.. Barrack Obama comes to visit Cairo Univ tomorrow.. what the??

ape kes lak aiii.. sampai kene perintah berkurung lak aku.. ooppss.. milk and coffee dah abes ptg ni kene stock up supplies.. esk duduk umah senyap2.. penganas amerika nk dtg.. huh.. nyusahkan idop!!

pray pray pray

takdek mood nk baca anatomy.. liar sungguh otak saya.. sudah melilau ke langkawi rupanya..

cemak, balikbalik! study~


i'm hot during summer cool during winter..[hey,org xde niat nk cari gaduh..npe kene boikot lak]

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I got tachycardia today.. so careless of me to leave my student ID card back home.. and i was right there.. standing infront of the exam hall.. 30 more mins before the english paper.. lucky me, farah was still at home.. but don't even ask how she manage to come on time.. I ran all across Cairo.. and I bet I lose 3kg today,
To Farah Sabrina thanks a lot.. i owe you my life!!!

kalau tak~ sumpah aku sorang je kene repeat paper or carry paper English naik taun dua.. seram wooiiii~ Tulah men2 lagi semalam.. kan dah kene CASH!! syukur.. dpt jugak aku masuk jawab paper tu.. susah ke tak? oh..tlg jgn tanya.. saya tak mahu kena hukum kali kedua..

And there was a second epidemic of scared-of-by-anatomy syndrome.. so what if the possible questions is removed or add?.. just don't remove anything and consider reading everything..tho i noe i would never manage to remember anything.. wallah~! trying babe! trying~ not quite a big deal to bug with.. snap out of it people! adoii.. 5 days = 5 books and here i am.. scribbling God knows what~ kan? kan?
-anatomy is undoubtfully scabrous. wish me luck. i only wish to remain alive after anatomy-
past and present
as i took off my gaze off past
i walk on present pace
as i fall for present
past wave back
past was my future
and present is my apathy
i cruise farther just to find that i'm completely lost
to not know your where about was a total absurdity
and to hope that you could go back
and wish you never even start this darn journey
when goodbye was never an end,
and to things i put fullstops on
was actually a start of a new verse,
when nothing i end up to was a real end..
i come to the diverging road..
past was inviting
but present is alluring
past was never assuring
but present is not promising either
past was my future
present is my apathy
when 1+1 = 0
then life was never easy
isn't it?
i need to put an END..a big FULLSTOP.. but i don't know how or when..or not even know why..
feeling a bit upset with my own ignorance and stupidness..
to be or not to be?

Monday, June 1, 2009

English vs Medicine

I am so addicted to continuous writing[CW] back in SPM.. (ok~ this is merely self boasting ) i don't know why. Perhaps having the fact that it's the only thing i did that succeed to attract my teacher's attention back in school i.e Miss Lin, it made me feel... i dunno... happy? sense of authority? hey, you see.. i could do anything at my answer paper ok? Or~, it gives me the satisfaction of creating some kind of a masterpiece~ this is craps...

Well i'm not that great in 1119 either, gramatical errors and a what-so-ever broken english and seriously stupid i-don’t-know-what accent,but.. wat evss
so, when i moved on.. i mean stepped into med school... i think i got this crazy syndrome of trying to exaggerate facts into a fictious style of story-telling as in CW

well~ a medical student should write this-->

"in absences of telomeres, eukaryotic cells will face a special problem in replicating the end of 5` end of lagging strand. there is no way to fill in the remaining gaps..."

I, on the other side, wrote this-->

“without telomere, there will be no human at all. People would die. Mutated genes can cause the creation of supernatural human beings. As far as anyone would believe, spiderman after the spider-bitting incident was mutated by the poisonous venom that could alter the gene chromosomes of human ability causing them to act above the normal level of human can achieve. Edward Cullen on the other hand....."

ok, no~.. i did not write this in my answer sheet.. but hey! i tend to~ with almost zero factual medical informations, atleast everyone knows how mutations can make superheroes.. that was a 'fact' too

Yet, no one believes me when i said i'm born writer not doctor~ phewss.. i'm trying, ok.. my brain just don't work that way.. not a factual-memorise-then-spill type of mind~

Btw, i LoL to this refer the below picture.. i mean.. seriously who won't? i googled the word anotated.. can't stop giggling till now... what's thorough breakthrough?? is my lecturer planning to make a riddle-giggle kind of textbook? keh3.. mentang2 biochem dah abes.. bleh r kutok2~ lol lg and 12 years ago~ wow.. that explains the classy style of writing~

oh-oh.. there's another joke on biochemistry

- two atoms walk together, then one atom said "i think i just lost an electron"
then the other atom said "really? are you sure?" then the first atom replied "hell yeah, man! I'm positive!!'

and i love this phrase tho..
single-stranded.. this is actually quite sadistic in my writer-POV
come on peeps! single, and stranded? poor thing lah~ go get a bf or gf or something.. pleaselah~

but better than double-stranded..

hey, you peeps..let's take a look at English Paper possible questions for tomorrow.revisionrevision.tahan gelak taw!

explain the below medical suffixe:-

  1. -agogue- my def= a type of p.ramlee's dance in 70's actual answer = stimulating or increasing the flow
  2. -genic- my def= Aladin's companion, who live in a lamp. actual answer = capable of causing
  3. -itis- my def= the wrong spelling for Awie's song Iris. actual answer= names of inflammatory
  4. -malacia- my def= not the right spelling for malacca. actual answer= softening
  5. -oid= my def= used when calling someone informally..oitt~! actual answer= resembling
  6. -rhaphy= my def = exschoolmate.. correct spelling is rafi picisan~ actual answer= repairing
  7. -sonic= my def= wow, this is great.. a cartoon character.. he's blue. actual answer= sound related
  8. -megaly=my def= shopping mall.. it's supposed to be mid valley. actual answer= enlargement
  9. -stasis= my def = Akademi Fantasia's star Stacy~ actual answer= slowing, stoppage
  10. -tomy= my def= jerry's bestfriend actual answer= cutting or excision

now i give up english!!~ phew.. what evss ~_~!

oh my! medical life is so much fun!

gile panjang post.. layan ah~
