elopzz folks! my parents just gave me the green light to go tour langkawi, without a chaperon..
"just go with your friends"
i swear, i'd like to leap of joy, but the problem is.. tho langkawi is just a breath away, i got no one to join me.. I planned with anah and ume, but now anah has a lot of things to do.. and our schedules were like clashing each other. Now what? i've been on this trip plan like agesssss... and to know that it might not happening really kills me.. ouhh.. freaking sad!
oh godddd.. i'm so bored.. please anyone [by anyone, i actually mean those who just got a 3 month ticket to boredom a.k.a Cairo medic students ] i invite you to join me.. i'm planning a group trip. maybe around 20-30th july.. it's gonna be langkawi and payar island... and you know Ramadhan is coming.. please, please, please....
just give me a call or buzz me via YM.. okayh? and we can deal the plan~
and welcome little boy~
kak dah's newborn son..
my new sweetheart

maklong will see you soon.. little sweetheart~
hehe, aku teringin sgt nk join
tp nk wt cena...hmpa x mo tunggu km balek m'sia...hehe..
nway...jgn sia2kan masa lapang anda...byk bnda boleh buat..hehe
slmt blatih mnjadi suri rumah!
with love,
from :
banglo dur3-4
imarah 20
sayyeda zainab,cairo..hua3
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