Friday, July 31, 2009

tale of pacat n langsat

Just when i said, i haven't jejak tanah for like a week.. my mom kinda force me to go out for fresh air.. destination? my dad's dusun... ergghhh.. and u noe, it rained last two days.. it was superduper wet.. and slippery.. (my dad's dusun is at wang tepus, which is like bukit-bukit..)
i fell 4 time and got mud all over my shirt and pant.. a week of no tanah huh? u got it all over the body now.. ha -ha -ha

My cousin climbed to get the Duku and i was the one picking them falling (read; raining) from the tree.. i can't hardly count how many Duku fell onto my head.. that little rascal~! eisshhh.. sakit taw x!! i guess i'm no hutan material.. i wish u cud see my mom hiking all the way up and into the scary bushes well.. pacat are scary, aren't they? yg penting i takut okayhh kejam punya blood sucker.. klau edward si vampire i wudn't mind lah~ LoL

While my mom do the hiking and picking up langsat and duku, i went on babbling about how it is easy to just buy them at the market and yada yada yadaaa i think my mom had fun doing so, that she just ignored me.. maw kene penampar sulung klau asek bebel-bebel time org letih nih..

Well, in the end of the day, i got bruised leg from falling into the bushes, a cut at my foot, several mosquito bites.. and a-not-looking-good arm of scratches.. and not to mention.. my manicured and polished nails... wahahaha.. penat jaga tgn.. last2 calar-balar gak masuk hutan..amek ko

here are some piccas.. forgive me for the not-so-brilliant pics.. hell0~ sape nk bwk dslr masuk hutan kan? tho ak xde pon camera alah tu.. nokia cikai ada.. lalala

okayy.. gmbr pembukaan yg burokss.. wat evs

see that? that's my cousin up the tree.. n my sis

who say m'sia is not a beauty? i curse u!

when a future doc climbs a tree, who dare to say.. it's dangerous? lalala

ulin nuha is scared of whatever behind the bushes.. me too lah darling

taking a grand livina into the dusun is sooo not a great idea.. and my supercool dad drived it like it is on highway.. let's get a Navara la baba..



*lari topic jap.. long distance relationship is really hard, no? i's been like 5 months only but until now we never fight, why start now? ish.. i noe ur tensed but forgive me.. i dunno wut to do.. y don't u tell me?

and mr Leo.. happy birthday.. too bad i can't give u anymore surprises.. just a plain tulus wishes..


dah namenye pon cuti..
x buat apape..
kalau ada skala bosan dah sampai tahap maximum..
meletup sudah..
tgk blog org
pastu klik blog sendiri
betapa x ilmiahnye
dah la xde org dtg
ah.. wat evss
blog sy bkn hot stuff..
kisah ape
tp yg pelik
klau ad post kontrovesi je
dtg berduyun-duyun
tawu plak?
ntah mana muncul ntah
btw.. ari ni cukup seminggu x jejak tanah kat luar tu
cool tak?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

betul x ni?

semlm, sesaja jalan2 blog org.. ntah mcm mn terjumpa blog akak sorng ni.. maybe sis dr mansurah.. dh kawen! seryes.. and... ad baby 8 months.. comelnyerrr.. jeles kot sekejap..

isu kawen2 ni, kat oversea org dh x persoalkan dah.. mcm kebiasaan.. kak ateeq pon dh pregnant.. balik cuti ni lg 2 org kawen.. me?

ntah.. xnak kot.. calon pon xde.. tp soal jodoh di tgn Tuhan.. kdg2 dtg x disangka-sangka.. tp sebolehnya.. pendirian sy nk tamatkan tahun pengajian..klau nk bertunang dlm tempoh study tu xpe lg kot.. teringat kata2 ustzh nadzirah..

"hidup ni macam cycle... ade step2 ats cycle tu yg patut kita ikut.. bila nk belajar, bila nk kawen, nk jd ibu.. klau kita skip salah satu step dlm cycle tu, nk patah balik bkn mudah.. so baik ikut steps dy dgn betul"

bkn nk attack individu yg dh skip2 cycle tu.. tp ikut kemampuan diri.. agak sy ni x mampu nk jd mcm diorang.. mmg lah seronok.. berdua dgn izin syarak, ad teman lagi2 pulak kat negara org.. tp entah.. sy klau boleh nk ikut steps tu..

tp pantang tgk baby, geram sggh.. balik je KL aritu terus serbu Aiman Zharif.. tgh lena pon, bleh sy cium2 siap angkat dukung.. terasa mcm nk sorang.. hak3~ merepek da

*sesape kat imarah tu rasa nk kawen silakan lah ye.. pastu bg i baby sit anak korang..yes!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

sweetie pie attack!

not in the greatest mood..
i always.. always got jealous for no reasons
sometimes the reason is clear
i noe i said.. it's okay
but naaahh..
it's NOT okayyyy
the girl got brown eyes
silky white flawless face
and super skinny legs
how can i stay calm?
and i noe.. things are great between us
we're never fight yet
when i'm mad
u know how to cool me down
when u're sad
i always respect ur cave and ur space
we get along just well
but please don't make me mad
i am pretty jealous
and i'm sure u noe it too

Tuesday, July 28, 2009



bosan teramat cuti ni.. tahun depan, mmg confirm tanak balik awal kecuali klau ade emergency case..
i was thinking to shut off my blog.. but it's not fair.. too many people know my blog.. and just because i don't want that particular person to read it.. so i decide to keep it.. but i don't think for long... for some reason i found my blog is a bit troublesome for meemotionally speaking..... but i am going to have another blog to scribble my personal thoughts and i'm not telling you guys... lalalala~

my ex-classmates and I had a great time together during the gathering.. i'm not really in the mood to tell everything.. we had lunch and then went for a bowling match.. that was it.. doesn't sound that fun huh? i noe.. i'm not that great in story-telling i guess.. i'll narrate along with the pictures later.. hopefully soon..

btw, all the piccas were in akmal harith's phone.. so i can't say much about it.. maybe next time i'll upload it..

Monday, July 20, 2009


Mungkin korang tertanya-tanya or not~ kemana tuan punya blog menghilang seminggu ni.. like i said, busy jaga anak-anak. sekarang mak tok bdk2 ni dh balik, so derang x dtg lg dh sini.. tamat la tempoh mengasuh sy.. tp rinduuuuu sgt2 kat syamel tu.. rindu dodoi2 dy.. rindu suap nasi kat dy.. rindu bau mashem2 susu ngn lotion baby dy... arghhh maklong rindu awaklah!..

Pastu, skang baru balik dr seremban.. actually antar my lil bro pegi ALAM kat melaka nuh.. aii.. umah sunyi xde dy.. smart gak adek ak tuh.. bangge lak tgk derang pakai uniform deck cadet tu.. huhu... future captain oii~ tp mmg sunyi la.. mlm2 xdela dgr bnyi motor lg dh.. aiiii..

Kat seremban, tido umah cousin sy.. dy baru lepas bersalin.. baby aiman zharif.. lame x pegang newborn baby.. dh dpt tanak lepas lak... comeiiii sgt... nk jugakkkk... sepupu2 sume dh anak dua.. yg latest pon dh ade anak.. uwaaa... turn sy lambat lg, tp x thn tgk baby kecik2 tu.. rs cam nk amek je sorng.. kan2??

My ksm demam plak.. td call pon tgh tido, serak2.. kesian plak dgr.. sabar yek.. naseb baik cuti.. haiii.. dah balik umah ni bosan la plk.. xde geng nk wat gadoh2...

conclusion? i miss u so much! muah~!



oh ye.. rindu katil queen size tido sorng yg besar dh selesa ni.. hak3.. seminggu x dpt lena sbb rindu kat bilik n katilku~~


Monday, July 13, 2009

.:day 1:.

kakak sofea yg mcmmcm ada~

haa! i caught you in action..

baru je lepas mandi dh comot



1st day jd babysitter.. abah dy bwk dtg pkl 8..explain satu2, ubat itu..ubat ini..camne nk bancuh susu lah ape lahh.. aii.. bancuh susu pon dh blurr.. adek dah besar2 kott~ dahla dok mamai2 lg.. yup, smlm pkul 4 bru dpt tido.. bkn jet lag.. dh terbiasa plk tido lmbat2.. hish..

Mula2 mmg la best jage bdk2 ni.. sampai2 je.."mak looooonng~" siap dgn gaya manja.. yg si adek tu pon..2x5 senyuman bodek baeek punya~ baru2 sampai, x reti nk buas lg.. elok dh duduk setengah jam.. mula dah~ nk usik sana usik sini.. last2 kasi je tido.. dodoi pny dodoi last2 kita plak yg terlelap.. hampeh~

Nk jaga budak2 ni mmg kena s.a.b.a.r baaaannnyyyaakkk2~ kita sebok suapkan adik dy makan, kakak dy sepahkan pinggan kat sebelah.. elok adek merengek, kakak dy pulak main lipstik sampai merah muka.. bagi kakak dy makan pulak, adek tanak duduk dah, sbb panas badan.. pusing jap tgk adek, bila alih tgk si kakaknya pula.. dh sepah nasi atas lantai..
geleng kepala jelaa aku~

Yg adik asek kutip sampah, masuk dlm mulut.. asal x pandang je.. ade lah keje dy tu.. panjat sana.. panjat sini.. aiii.. kan berlebam badan tu.. mcm mn nk menjawab ngn mak abah dy~ aiyoo..

mujur adek sy yg kecik skali tu balik awal jgk.. bleh main2 dgn sofea.. xdela nk kacau2 sgt.. ooh silap sama sekali.. berkomplot dua2 org tu, buat projek.. kita dok mandikan adek dy kat bawah.. naik je atas.. ya Rabbii.. bersepah bilik akuuu~ mcm kena tsunami.. warghhhh..

last2 biar je si kecik tu kat mama.. lepak kat atas~ tido! aduii penat2..

baru sehari.. tu pon.. tlg jage je.. masak mama buat.. mujur jgk si adek tu demam2 pon x nanges2.. klau tidak migrain le maklong kau ni haa..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bukan Dirimu

Setelah kupahami aku bukan yang terbaik
Yang ada di hatimu
Tak dapat kusangsikan
Ternyata hanya Dia yang mengerti aku
Bukanlah dirimu

Kini maafkanlah aku
Bila aku menjadi bisu kepada dirimu
Bukan santunku terbungkam
Hanya hatiku berbatas ‘tuk mengerti kamu
Maafkanlah aku..

Walau ku masih mencintaimu
Ku harus meninggalkanmu
Ku harus melupakanmu

Meski hatiku menyayangimu
Nurani menginginkanmu
Ku harus melepaskanmu

Dan hanya Dialah
Yang mampu memahamiku
Yang dapat mengerti aku
Ternyata Pemilikku

Yang sanggup memilihku
Yang setia mendengar doaku
Bukanlah dirimu

.. jika kita cinta kepada manusia, belum tentu manusia akan cinta pada kita..
tapi jika kita cinta Allah, cintaNya tiada berpenghujung
...jika kita cinta kepada manusia, kita akan cemburu kepada orang yg mencintai orang yg kita cintai
tapi jika kita cinta Allah, kita akan turut cinta pada dia yg melabuhkan cintanya kepada Allah..
-aminah qutb-

-pemilik cinta ku setelah Allah dan rasul..-

Saturday, July 11, 2009

my so-called-tour~

elopzz folks! my parents just gave me the green light to go tour langkawi, without a chaperon..

"just go with your friends"

i swear, i'd like to leap of joy, but the problem is.. tho langkawi is just a breath away, i got no one to join me.. I planned with anah and ume, but now anah has a lot of things to do.. and our schedules were like clashing each other. Now what? i've been on this trip plan like agesssss... and to know that it might not happening really kills me.. ouhh.. freaking sad!

oh godddd.. i'm so bored.. please anyone [by anyone, i actually mean those who just got a 3 month ticket to boredom a.k.a Cairo medic students ] i invite you to join me.. i'm planning a group trip. maybe around 20-30th july.. it's gonna be langkawi and payar island... and you know Ramadhan is coming.. please, please, please....

just give me a call or buzz me via YM.. okayh? and we can deal the plan~


and welcome little boy~

kak dah's newborn son..

my new sweetheart

maklong will see you soon.. little sweetheart~


Friday, July 10, 2009


I guess by now.. everyone who are close to me knows how sensitive, easily touched and emotional person i am.. yes it's only a few hours after the result announcement, and yet tonnes of people annoyed me.. effing not-cool okayh?!! yes.. i'm at my highly irritable point and you screwed it up? what the?? are u trying to grill me up?

I noe i'm not fit to be a medical student.. and hell yes i know my bars well.. why would you say such things to me.. i did not request to become a malfunctioned EXKISASIAN.. i have no idea you look up so high to us, we're human after all..KISASIAN are not trained cyborg which functions to be tip top student in everything...
and I am so not like the streaming classes student.. I got that message long before you're even born!! so no need to remind me.. of how screwed up individual I AM!! just stop it already..

I am proud of myself.. i survived every hard bumps of my life..and i manage to stand back on my feet after the fall..and.. i noe i did not do well in my first year.. I BLAME myself.. YOU on the other hand have no right to jump infront of me and blame me as well.. got it? NO RIGHT at all..
I am totally frustrated with myself.. and i don't need another reason to be mad to myself anymore.. i noe.. i'm not that great, but i understood it well and trying my best to become one.. so what is your damage??

Speaking of damage.. my Nissan bluebird broke down yesterday.. and i only know that like... TODAY!!!! shoot man! gosh, i was planning to go everywhere with it.. now that mom won't let me touch the new shining Grand Livina..and i doubt my ability to drive an MPV.. urgghhhh.. my car.. why are you soo.. noxious to me.. be nice!!!!! am i suggested to ride a bicycle to Umai's place next week?

Then i got into fight with my bro.. yep, the car thingy again.. he got his bike..just dwell with it... don't touch that car!! and.. what am i supposed to do now? fix the car? if it's like only hundreds i can manage, but thousand.. oh yeah.. little bluebird, you are so going to sleep for good in the garage.. there is no way i'm going to do anything about you now...

And my plan to Langkawi also faced a hault.. and the reunion too.. and u.. what's wrong with us.. i'm back here.. and we were like not talking anymore? husshh.. i hate today very much. hello~ "warm" summer break


Thursday, July 9, 2009


Arini kenduri kat umah, dari semalam berbau bawang dan cili kering sampai ke hari kenduri.. haih, xdek can ak melaram lngsung, jd bibik lak aii~ yg bestnye dpt jumpe sepupu sepapat, sedap nyer makan puji~

"aii, along dh cerah sket.. muka cam minah arab"
sengihorg jage kulitlah pak chu~

"amboi, tgginye.. koii comeii ank dara mak ngah"
hakhakhak well~ mmg i slalu comei pon~

"awat makin kuruiih?"
lol~ cess.. ini pujiankah? tahniah perdesk~

" segaknya~..x lama bulih menantu lak tokngah"
ini sudeh lebey~ baru tahun satu maw menantu kah? sori le babah, calon kalah tanpa bertanding T_T


"eh, ini kakak kah? laah, dok ingt achik td"
perghh.. muka mantain muda..

apape hal pon.. mmg kebas gak pinggang angkat pinggan sana, alih periuk sini.. ish.. beliau yg masuk U i plk yg menderita.. sengat pnya adek..


ini pulak kekasih hati sy.. syamil afiq.. rinduu sgt2. dr bleh merangkak skang balik dh berlari

naseb baik x fobia tgk maklong.. rindu ke yg? :D

*anyhow, kenduri ape? adek sy dpt masuk ALAM, under scholar MISC.. x lama lg jd org laut lah adek sy yg laki sorg nih.. sume org asek doubt je.. ye la ank laki sorg tu je, hantar pulak keje laut.. xpe kah? i say, janji dy ade matlamat hidup tu dh kira ok.. drpd dulu nk jadi pemain bola sepak handalan.. seriat jgk darah mendengarnye.. dlm bnyk2 cita2 pemain bola sepak dy nak jadi?? adoii.. syukur ubah fikiran.. klau x makan bola anak sedare ak nnt~ huhu


men vs women

i found out i got bored only after 24 hours after my flight back from Cairo, so i went to Popular bookstore to stock up books.. and........i found this...

everyone had been talking about this,like so sooooo long ago....but back then, i wasn't so interested in that particular book... until i got a lot of conflicts with young men, it was like talking with different languages.. none would ever understood..

Yes.. thanks to Dr John Gray, i understood everything, every theory he purposed make senses.. it was true all along.. the cave and the 'talk'....


everything is true.. now i know how to cope with them theory only~ i guess men and women would never go eye to eye in anything... but this is what completes us.. this differences is a blessing.. 1 + 1 is always 2 never back to 1..

i am blessed to know about the cave.. hey, i respected u


Monday, July 6, 2009

dari kacamata aku yang baru

hari ni keluar rumah kejap.. pegi tesco alor star.. utk kenduri adek khamis ni.. sepanjang kat tesco tu sy asek gelak2 je.. jap lg ade jgk yg cap ak gile.. macam2 trend manusia skang ek.. malaysia haven't change much since i left.. maybe sbb x biasa tgk.. atau lama sgt dh tggl prangai melayu.. rs kelakar pulak tgk org melayu.. klau kat egypt, rs hati tetiba nk kutuk terus keluar je bhs melayu.. hey xde org faham k~ haha kat sini? gelak sorg2 jela..

macam2 prangai.. ok dressing? ade yg gothic, gedik,yg bajet cun, yg mak datin.fesyen pacak tudung ats kepala.. tgk2 sekeliling perghh sume sepesyen.. same je..tuka la weyh~ . ak paling anti mak2 datin nih.. mintak jauh le dr dpt mak mentua ala2 datin.. fuh.. fatal ak nk bersiap jd menantu~ eh jap ade calon anak dato' ke??

entah kenapa kdg2 rasa meluat dgn bangsa sendiri, klau ad yg ramah ok la.. tp klau tak kalah arab derang punya E.G.O x larat nk hadap.. cakap terima kasih pon tak berbalas, arab tu sekasar-kasar dy pon, bila cakap syukran dy tibai gak afwan walaupun muke keras semacam... haish melayuku mudah lupa.. ntah mana tah bazir duit buat kempen budi bahasa...

lagi x bleh blah budak pompuan zaman skang, muke melayu, name tag melayu. rambut? kalah j.lo ckp selit2 bahasa inggeris, padahal grammar ke laut mati. nk kutuk x bleh, gelak lagi ak terkekeh-kekeh kat Mall tu..

"kak, mintak lalu kak"~

sy usha atas bawah.. akak?? woii... sedap kau je.. gelak lagi.. pecah perut dok gelak2 sepanjang hari.. wah.. malaysiaku memang 'indah'..

wahai perlembahan Nil, walaupun kau panas dan berdebu, dengarkan lah aku rindu~

Saturday, July 4, 2009

sebelum itu..

syazni and syakirah

Timb. Pengarah Dinner MEP08.. opss ex dh.. (kes poyo)

Malam sebelum smpai tu, sy ad dinner. Grand Dinner MEP08. Agk kelam kabut sbb persiapan suma terpaksa dibuat last minute. yela bdk medic ad ke masa nk buat sume keje on time. lg pulak Finals smpai 3 bulan, so agak huru hara, tp pandai nye AJK cover2.. huhu.. Tahniah le..

apapon terima kasih kpd barisan ajk yg terpaksa bertungkus lumut saat2 akhir.

Ajk yg pakai heels pon terpaksa berlari sana sini.. balik urut kaki ke kak? haha~

Sehari suntuk tanpa rehat, berpanas dari Sayeda ke Mounira pastu gegas ke Manial, then ke Alsaraya, pastu patah balik Sayeda, lari balik Alsaraya. Rasa nk putus nafas jap.. Alhamdulillah Dinner lancar. Yg tak bestnye.. kena duduk meja VIP.. berkelip2 mata taktahu nk sembang ape.. last2 cte bini dua juga yg kuar.. terkekeh-kekeh tahan gelak.. control ayu konon~ wargh.. x dpt mkn aku...T_T.. atleast ajk len ad yg x dpt mkn sgt jgk.. majlis blom habes. more piccas here.. yen sila bayar ak promote ko nih

Balik rumah ter'pengsan' sampai subuh.,. bgn2 je terus basuh baju mop lantai.Rumah akn ditinggalkan.. terpaksa kemas2.

Dari Cairo Airport sampai KLIA berteman.. sampai KLIA.. merayau-rayau sorg.. smpailah nuha sampai bwk wani, kinah, and maryam. Makan2 jap first time jumpe air soya.. sedap gilerrr!!

Derang balik pkl 6.. pkl 8 flight.. dua jam merayau-rayau lg.. cewah.. bangge lak ak check in, boarding sorang2.. haih.. bosan taw..

apepon dh selamat sampai.. skang rase rindu plak kat 'condo' beit iffah ku..

paling best skang tak payah masak

emirates best woo..ade forward camera dgn downward view, jd pilot jap..

kat Dubai.. transit jap..

esok nak buat apa ek? hurmmm....


Dh smpai mesia..
tp jet lag x abes lg
saya mahu tido puas2..
katil besar dan sejuk
esk test kepakaran mendrive kete balik
dh kena perintah larangan mendekati grand livina berkilat tu
gatai tgn nk pegang steering baru tuh..
skang mahu berhibernasi..
pening kepala siang malam yg bercelaru

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


men'hilang'kan diri
supaya saya sedar
supaya saya mahu
supaya saya ingat
kamu yang saya mahu

men'diam'kan diri
supaya kamu sedar
supaya kamu lupa
supaya kamu pergi
saya yang tak mahu beredar

menjadi 'bisu'
supaya saya tidak 'pekak'
dan kamu tidak 'buta'

menjadi diriku
supaya kamu kembali menjadi kamu
hanya kamu

semakin takut nak menerima orang baru dalam hidup. a.k.a ahli-beit baru tahun depan. sementara itu, rumah kosong, bukan sebab takda perabut tp sebab takda 'family'