when there is nothing...
sure there will be something...
sometimes you want everything..
but Allah will give you anything..
that means more than everything~
alhamdulillah. my practical Physiology went extremely well.. I got the easiest question set and also non'malignant' examiner.. she was totally awesome! she didn't even ask me extra questions.. just record the value and said excellent and I'M DONE!
huhu *jumpjumphappy* surely, thanks to my family and dearest friends for your prayers and support..
I dunno wut to write anymore.. relieved and happy is all I can say..
alhamdulillah... alhamdulillah~
btw.. tomorrow would be our girls day out.. it's spring time! we're going to go to hadiqah dawli.. and enjoy the spring season while it is still here!! then it'll be sizzling hot summer time~ ouch! I'm going to pop-some-corn lah for tomorrow.. jomjom goreng popcorn
Today is my totally happy day lah~i did well in my practical exam and my brother got the interview for ALAM.. I'm so enthusiastic!
I feel like I'd like to do researchs for him.. I'd like to go to accompany him on that day~ wahh.. it seems like forever I ever went for an interview.. excitedexcitedexcited
sujud syukur lah semua org~
maw tukar layout lah lepas ni.. sempena spring~ kehkehkeh.. klau rajen lah
cmne leh jdik when there is nothing??
pelik gle laa..
bia ak terangkn..
klo ko bru pindh rumah,dn xde perabot..
ko akn kte pe?
"kosng je ke..*sigh.."
sna nye,ade je byk bnde..
dr udare yg ko sedot dn tapak kaki tukang buat rumah tu dlu sehingga lah kepada cahaya yg bergerak mlebihi kelajuan kura2 dlm perahu..
jdi,komen2 ni mmg sonok kn diri ak..mreka2 solah2ank2 ak yg akn myush kn smua org mmahami idop ini..
tp xmgape la..smue itu adalah satu bnde yg mggmbirakn..
i luv myself :)..
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