Saturday, September 13, 2008

OMG.. It's for real!

I was staring at my coat ( disaster la) can't believe I'm wearing those to Egypt!! it was... argh no word to describe it.. wateva laa.. anyway I'm leaving on 6 oct, will be in KLIA from 6 pm till midnight... yeah,right!5 hours stranded in KLIA.. hey, you better come ok? or else....

Till now, I still can't believe it.. I'm leaving already? there's still lots of things I wanted to do.. lots of things left unsaid.. oh.. do I regret what i've done? yes! I do.. sorry~ felt like time fly away this time.. but still I managed to do some things that I want to do.. thanks guys!

I'm sad too now.. I don't know why.. bored? hurmm.. miss my life back in INTEC.. huhu.. I have'nt start anything yet.. so not in da mood right now..

rase cam tanak pegi jek..
what can u do?
disana nnt takde u
camne ni??